Shetland – unvisited, yet seen and heard

22 May 2024Dr Sophie Louisa Bennett, PhD Conservation Biology (Lincoln 2016), MA Modern and Medieval Languages – German and Swedish (KC 1987, Cantab 2020), Diploma in Translation – German into English (City University/Institute of Linguists 1998)

Shetland – the soundtrack showing Douglas Henshall as Jimmy Perez. Photo: Sophie Louisa Bennett with Panasonic Lumix

I’ve never been to any of the Scottish islands, despite a passing acquaintance with various parts of the mainland. And a love of the diversity of Scots accents. Not to mention tatties and neeps/neeps and tatties.

Shetland is a place I therefore know only through the medium of conversation and post cards and television. I think it will be evident which TV programme I’m thinking of for anyone familiar with a certain series.

A post card from Shetland from a friend sent some 18 years ago. Shows a Puffin and the Boddam Croft House Museum. By (I once danced a meditative dance to Demeter!) – editrice – Photo on post card: Didier Piquer. Photo of own post card: Sophie Louisa Bennett with Panasonic Lumix

The soundtrack – which I bought for Dad some years ago and have borrowed today to play (over and over again) is so evocative and for me is a ‘Scottish sound’, a gaelic sound, an island sound, through and through. Some may find it morbid (that’s what Mum says) – I would rather say mournful, and that fits with the bleakness of Shetland and the subject matter of the programme. Dark deeds under often darkening skies.

Magnificent and lonely and brooding and suitable for rainy days indoors, or longer car journeys, because the sounds will calm you and lull you along on your way and bring you back safely to your destination.

John Lunn – sleeve notes about the composer of the theme music to Shetland. Photo of CD insert: Sophie Louisa Bennett with Panasonic Lumix